Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Post 9: WP1: Pre-Write Assignment 2

The people in the photo are arranged in a way that it shows a distinct separation between the two groups is land. Perhaps the photographer is demonstrating two sides to the people in his community.

The woman on the left is the part of his people that is sad and disparaged; and the groups on the right in the brightly colored clothes and in the sunlight symbolize the happiness the group on the left is trying to obtain. However, because of "the land" in the middle (rebel forces) the happiness she yearns for is further than it appears.

At first glance of this photo the visual hierarchy is as follows: the colorful group on the left, the woman and children in the shadows and then the background and sky. The photographer uses the contrasting groups and the sky not only as a visual hierarchy but also as vectors of attention. As aforementioned the group in the shadows could be representative of the sadness of the people while the group on the right is the happiness they could be a part of, while the sky emits on imminent danger to both, perhaps.

The ethos of the photo lies with the photographer because we know that he lives in this country, this country that is torn apart by war the audience has no choice but to trust him. To trust him to depict the truth in a very raw and genuine way. When you look at the photo you feel as though you want to help these people. I want, as an audience member, to be able to take away their pain and suffering and to make them and their country whole again. I believe the argument trying to be made here is that Dominique challenges us to climb out of your comfort zone of protection and security we feel in our own country and to try and experience the lives and hardships that others around the world feel and experience everyday of their lives.

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