Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Post 2: Web 2.0 Video

Web 2.0 demonstrates several characteristics associated with good communication. The video had a clear statement of purpose, to express an opinion. I believe that the teacher who created the video from Kansas City was hoping to achieve a shared understanding about the ever expanding web. To also communicate that communication itself has changed from pen and paper to mouse and keyboard and the web has been expanded throughout the years and will continue to grow. The web has grown from just a way to find information to a way of communicating information and has transformed into an entity that brings people together to share and find almost anything you are looking for.

A part of his statement of purpose he made clear that he knew his audience even without knowing who would all see the video. He used diffent media to cover a wide range of audience members; he had music and pictures for younger audience members to be entertained, he used words and writing in a way that didn't seem like he was giving a power point.

He also utilized the common sense medium portion of production in the sense that majority of the people using the web tend to be the younger generation from twelve to thirty. He used common sense in the way that he made a video, posted it on the most famous video site and made it just under five minutes(quick, easy, captures and holds our attention). He also used arrangement in a great way. In the video he started with writing on paper to typing on a computer. If he would have started with the computer he would have been able to rearrange the rest to make it work, but it would not have been a good production strategy.

In a communication strategy there are three key elements: ethos, pathos and logos. Ethos is the communication between the author and the audience. As an audience member one could assert that what he was trying to communicate came across just as it should have. Pathos is how your audience feels about what you are doing; I feel as if he has broadened my understanding of the internet world. Lastly, logos is the reason and structure in your arguments. I believe that his "arguement" was soundly structured and anyone viewing the video would clearly understand its "statement of purpose".

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