Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Post 7: Photography

Photography has always been my United States to Christopher Columbus, unexplored territory that will eventually be discovered. I have always been a naturally curious person, delighting in learning about anything and everything to do with creating something unique and beautiful. Whether it be acting on stage, singing an opera composed by Verdi, playing an instrument to the best of my abilities, drawing inspiration, composing a novel or writing a poem from the heart; capturing a beautiful moment or telling a story with the snap of a camera has not been one of the things I've been able to do.

I have always been interested in Photography. They say pictures speak a thousand words and I have always been afraid that I will capture the wrong words or do something wrong so that the photo does not depict what I wanted it to. Taking a photo and photography, to me, are two entirely different things. Anyone can take a photo but not everyone can create a photo, which is how I characterize photography; a creation.

When you look at a photo you can be moved by it. Much like a good poem or song can evoke emotions in you a picture can make you feel something; a single moment in time taken in the right light, at the perfect time, with the right camera and at the right focus. With so many contributing factors it's almost scary having to be held by such standards. However, that’s what always drew me to it. Drawing becomes better with practice, singing with the right technique, acting and writing with your passion . But being a photographer, a good photographer, takes more than practice, technique and passion. It takes a good eye, it takes talent and patience. And that’s something I've always wanted to capture.

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